Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Cleaning Epiphany

I need to clean my closet. A professional-organizer and fashion-forward friend of mine is appalled that hanging in there are pieces of clothing which are over ten years old and haven't been worn in five. (I think she's also silently horrified by the stuff that's ten years old that I still wear, but that's for another blog post.)

She's right, of course. I need to let some of this stuff go. But I might fit back into it someday! But I paid good money for it and only wore it twice! But I might have a wedding or a fancy dinner to go to! But... that work-out resolution isn't going very well. And the last time I went to a wedding, I bought something new. And when was the last time I actually went out to a fancy dinner?

Any-hoo. This past weekend, I'm at Savers doing a little thrift-store shopping with my sister and Hair Nite friends. In case you're not familiar, Savers is kind of like Goodwill. Some things are brand new, tags still on them. Some things are practically perfect, only worn once or twice. There are designer-name pieces that are certainly used, but made of good materials and still in good shape. There are items that I lift from the rod, consider thoughtfully, then go, "Eh," and put back. And, yes, there are things I am surprised anyone would want.

And as I'm sifting through all these things in the store, it hits me. It's just like my closet! And what I need to do to finally clean that stale compartment is take everything out and look at each piece as if I were going to buy it at Savers! If I'd spend $6 or $8 or $15 on something, it's going back in. If I wouldn't even buy it at a bargain price, it's headed out. (Probably to Savers.)

I know my friend, who is a thrifty shopper herself, will be proud of me. And with the extra space I get, I'll have room for the black velvet GAP dress, Ann Taylor capris, Lucky jeans and Born mary-janes I bought last weekend -- plus whatever I get with the coupon I'll receive for my big donation. Gotta love recycling.

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